Missouri State Humane Association

To purchase your new plates by mail, follow these steps:
Print the Emblem Use Authorization Statement (EUAS) and complete the Applicant Information section only. (Click here for form.) Do not sign or date the form.
Mail the EUAS with your check for $25 (one year plate) or $50 (two year plates) to MoSHA, PO Box 21626, St Louis, MO 63109-0626. (An additional donation amount may also be included in your check.)
MoSHA will sign and authorize the EUAS and return it to you by mail with an instruction letter. Allow sufficient time for mail and return mail; we suggest at least ten business days.
Pet Friendly plates must be personalized. Our plates cannot be reserved on-line, but you can check availability by clicking this link.
When you receive the EUAS from MoSHA, print Department of Revenue Form 1716 (Click here for form), Fill out the form. Check the box for "I'm Pet Friendly" strongly, and we also suggest that you highlight that line. Submit it to Jefferson City with a copy of your paid EUAS and the DOR’s $15.00 fee.
(Form 1716 and the associated fee are only required when you first request the plates.)
The DOR will notify you when your plates are ready.
Take the EUAS and other vehicle registration paperwork to your license office.